Share capital:
Ordinary shares (allotted, called-up and fully paid)
| Number of shares | £m |
At 1 January 2014 | 191,456,172 | 33.1 |
At 31 December 2014 | 191,456,172 | 33.1 |
Details of share options in issue on the Company's share capital and share-based payments are set out in note 27 to the consolidated financial statements.
| Share premium account £m | Other reserves £m | Profit and loss account £m | Total £m |
At 1 January 2014 | 177.1 | 133.9 | 61.2 | 372.2 |
Dividends paid | – | – | (45.2) | (45.2) |
Profit for the year | – | – | 42.5 | 42.5 |
Share-based payments | – | 1.8 | – | 1.8 |
Acquisition of own shares | – | (7.0) | – | (7.0) |
Settlement of share options | – | 0.2 | 1.4 | 1.6 |
At 31 December 2014 | 177.1 | 128.9 | 59.9 | 365.9 |
The other reserves are stated after deducting £7.1m (2013: £5.5m) relating to shares held in the Bodycote International Employee Benefit Trust. The Bodycote International Employee Benefit Trust holds Bodycote plc shares and satisfies awards made under various employee incentive schemes when issuance of new shares is not appropriate.
At 31 December 2014 1,212,547 (2013: 2,035,618) ordinary shares of 17 3/11p each were held by the Bodycote International Employee Benefit Trust and, following recommendations by the employer, are provisionally allocated to satisfy awards under employee incentive schemes. The trust waives payment of dividend. The market value of these shares was £7.9m (2013: £13.6m).
Included in other reserves is the capital redemption reserve of £129.8m (2013: £129.8m).